Freelancer Journal

Created by Holly Dillon

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Your Freelancer's Heart Journal & 2023 Planner

Development Business Planner

Take your freelancer dreams beyond the laptop!

Size: 8"x10"

Content: black and white 245 pages

Developed by a freelancer for a freelancer to develop, grow, and plan their business!

The journal contains three sections: Development, Business, and Planner as described below:

Who is this journal for? Everyone that is working online and needs a business journal/planner companion.

Why was this journal created? As a side-hustle freelancer Virtual Assistant beginning in 2022, I wanted a planner and journal to help with my business. I did not like the options that I could find, so I thought, why not make something I want and help others in my boat as well? That is how my journal-making business was born, yes another side-hustle! If you enjoy this journal, and it has touched your freelancer's heart, please consider leaving a fair and honest review so that others can see it as well! - Your Fellow Freelancer